@extends('layouts.app', ['activePage' => 'notifications', 'titlePage' => __('Notifications')]) @section('content')


Handcrafted by our friend Robert McIntosh. Please checkout the full documentation.

Notifications Style

This is a plain notification
This is a notification with close button.
add_alert This is a notification with close button and icon.
add_alert This is a notification with close button and icon and have many lines. You can see that the icon and the close button are always vertically aligned. This is a beautiful notification. So you don't have to worry about the style.

Notification states

Info - This is a regular notification made with ".alert-info"
Success - This is a regular notification made with ".alert-success"
Warning - This is a regular notification made with ".alert-warning"
Danger - This is a regular notification made with ".alert-danger"
Primary - This is a regular notification made with ".alert-primary"

Notifications Places

Click to view notifications
